Emma Ramos and Kate Abbruzzese in "Espejos: Clean." Photo: T Charles Erickson
FEB. 15 - MAR. 5
February 15 – March 5, 2023
By Christine Quintana | Spanish translation and adaptation by Paula Zelaya Cervantes | Directed by Melissa Crespo | In association with Hartford Stage
The lives of two women with vastly different life experiences intersect at a destination wedding in Cancún. Adriana has left her home of Chetumal, Mexico and is working as the manager of the housekeeping staff at a resort. Sarah, from Vancouver, is the sister of the bride and maid of honor and the self-acknowledged family screw up. A chance encounter during a torrential downpour leads each woman to confront her personal storm and to consider the possibility that, though isolated, she may not be as alone as she believes. Change is hard but possible and hope may be closer than it sometimes seems. An engaging and poignant bi-lingual theatrical experience, Espejos: Clean is performed in English and Spanish with supertitles in both languages.
Read the program here.
Escrita por Christine Quintana | Traducción y adaptación al español por Paula Zelaya Cervantes | Dirigida por Melissa Crespo | En colaboración con Hartford Stage
Las vidas de dos mujeres con vivencias vastamente diferentes se cruzan durante una boda de destino en Cancún. Adriana se ha ido de su casa en Chetumal, México y trabaja como gerente del personal de ama de llaves en un complejo turístico. Sarah, de Vancouver, es la hermana de la novia y madrina de boda quien se identifica como “el desastre de la familia.” Un encuentro casual durante una lluvia torrencial lleva a cada mujer a confrontar su tormento personal y considerar la posibilidad de que, aunque aisladas, no están tan solas como piensan. El cambio es duro pero posible y la esperanza a veces está más cerca de lo que parece. Una experiencia teatral maravillosa y conmovedora, Espejos: Clean es presentada en inglés y español con subtítulos en ambos idiomas.
Lea el programa aquí.
“There is definitely magic happening at Syracuse Stage with their production of Espejos: Clean … simply dazzling … stunning performances…” - WWNY
“…spot on acting and stunning visuals.” - Syracuse.com | The Post-Standard
“...compelling ... powerful ... comical ... stunning .... fascinating.” - The Ithaca Times
Kate Abbruzzese and Emma Ramos in Espejos: Clean. Photo: T Charles Erickson
Emma Ramos and Kate Abbruzzese in Espejos: Clean. Photo: T Charles Erickson
Emma Ramos in Espejos: Clean. Photo: T Charles Erickson
Kate Abbruzzese in Espejos: Clean. Photo: T Charles Erickson
Emma Ramos and Kate Abbruzzese in Espejos: Clean. Photo: T Charles Erickson
Emma Ramos and Kate Abbruzzese in Espejos: Clean. Photo: T Charles Erickson
Meet the Team
Kate Abbruzzese
Emma Ramos
Valeria A Avina
u/s Adriana
Anna DeBlasio
u/s Sarah
Christine Quintana
Paula Zelaya Cervantes
Spanish Translation and Adaptation
Melissa Crespo
Mariana Sanchez
Scenic Design
Lux Haac
Costume Design
Colleen Doherty
Lighting Design
Daniela Hart & UptownWorks
Sound Design and Original Music
Lisa Renkel
Projection Design
Laura Jane Collins
Production Stage Manager
Season Sponsors
Media Sponsors
Community Partner
Pay-What-You-Will Sponsor:
This project is made possible with funds from the City of Syracuse Arts & Culture Recovery Fund Program, a regrant program of the City of Syracuse and administered by CNY Arts.